Digital Adventures

Notes on programmable logic, tabletop games & other stuff


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Iota is a small, modified Harvard (RISC) architecture that is largely inspired by the MIPS R2000 ISA and the CPU0 teaching ISA. Iota is 32-bit register machine. Furthermore, all memory accessed must be 4 byte aligned and there is no concept of loading or storing bytes and halfwords. This was done to simplify the implementation of the memory management unit and to further reduce the number of opcodes.

Memory and Registers

As mentioned before, all memory accesses store or return 32 bits and must be 4 byte aligned. The register file contains 16 general purpose registers (denoted r[0] through r[15]) with register 0 containing the fixed value of 0 at all times. By convention, r[15] is used as the return address from subroutines, and r[14] is used for the return address from interrupt handlers. There are two special purpose registers: the program counter (PC) and the condition register (CR). The condition register is 32 bits, albeit only the lower four bits are currently utilized.

|----|------------------------|----|    Condition Register
|HRRR|  Reserved (24 bits)    |ICZN|
  • CR[Z] is set when the previous modifying instruction resulted in a zero
  • CR[N] is set when the previous modifying instruction resulted in a negative value
  • CR[C] is set when the previous modifying instruction resulted in a carry out
  • CR[I] is set during an interrupt routine
  • CR[H] is set when the processor has halted
  • CR[R] is a three bit field that contains the reason for the processor halt


Instructions come in three formats: R, I, and J. R-type instructions take all operands from registers and store it in another register. I-type instructions have two registers (source and destination) and a larger field for a 16-bit immediate value. Finally, J-type instructions have a 24-bit offset field that specifies a jump offset.


|--------|------------------------|     J-Type
| OP (8) |    Jump offset (24)    |

|--------|----|----|----------------|   I-Type
| OP (8) |Rd 4|Rs 4| Immediate (16) |

|--------|----|----|----|------------|  R-Type
| OP (8) |Rd 4|Ra 4|Rb 4|Secondary 12|
Type Mnemonic Opcode / Secondary Description Syntax Operation CR Modified?
- TRAP 00 / xxx Trap operation. Raises an ‘invalid operation’ exception TRAP No
R RET 01 / 000 Return from subroutine RET PC <= r[15] No
R J 01 / 001 Jump to location stored in register J Rd PC <= Ra No
R ADD 01 / 002 Add ADD Rd, Ra, Rb Rd <= Ra + Rb Yes
R ADDu 01 / 003 Add Unsigned ADDu Rd, Ra, Rb Rd <= Ra + Rb Yes
R SUB 01 / 004 Subtract SUB Rd, Ra, Rb Rd <= Ra - Rb Yes
R OR 01 / 005 Logical OR OR Rd, Ra, Rb Rd <= Ra | Rb Yes
R XOR 01 / 006 Logical XOR XOR Rd, Ra, Rb Rd <= Ra ^ Rb Yes
R AND 01 / 007 Logical AND AND Rd, Ra, Rb Rd <= Ra & Rb Yes
R NOT 01 / 008 Logical inverse NOT Rd, Ra Rd <= ~Ra Yes
R LSL 01 / 009 Logical shift left. Drop leftmost and insert zeros at right LSL Rd, Ra, Rb Rd <= Ra << Rb Yes
R LSR 01 / 00A Logical shift right. Drop rightmost and insert zeros at left LSR Rd, Ra, Rb Rd <= Ra >> Rb Yes
R ASR 01 / 00B Arithmetic shift right. Drop rightmost and keep sign bit of Ra LSR Rd, Ra, Rb Rd <= (h80000000&Ra)|Ra >> Rb Yes
R CMP 01 / 00C Compare two registers. Sets CR[Z] if Ra, Rb equal. Sets CR[N] if Ra < Rb CMP Ra, Rb CR <= (Ra - Imm16)? Yes
R SW 01 / 00D Store word (4 byte aligned) SW Rd, Ra, Rb MEM[Ra+Rb] <= Rd No
R LW 01 / 00E Load Word LSR Rd, Ra, Rb Rd <= MEM[Ra+Rb] No
I ADDi 02 / - Add Immediate ADDi Rd, Ra, Imm16 Rd <= Ra + Imm16 Yes
I ADDiu 03 / - Add Immediate Unsigned ADDiu Rd, Ra, Imm16 Rd <= Ra + Imm16 Yes
I 04 / - Unused
I ORi 05 / - Logical OR with Immediate ORi Rd, Ra, Imm16 Rd <= Ra | Imm16 Yes
I XORi 06 / - Logical XOR with Immediate XORi Rd, Ra, Imm16 Rd <= Ra ^ Imm16 Yes
I ANDi 07 / - Logical AND with Immediate ANDi Rd, Ra, Imm16 Rd <= Ra & Imm16 Yes
I 08 / - Unused
I LSLi 09 / - Logical Shift Left with Immediate. Drop leftmost and insert zeros at right LSLi Rd, Ra, Imm16 Rd <= Ra << Imm16 Yes
I LSRi 0A / - Logical Shift Right with Immediate. Drop rightmost and insert zeros at left LSRi Rd, Ra, Imm16 Rd <= Ra >> Imm16 Yes
I ASRi 0B / - Arithmetic Shift Right with Immediate. Drop rightmost and keep sign bit of Ra ASRi Rd, Ra, Imm16 Rd <= (h80000000&Ra)|Ra >> Imm16 Yes
I CMP 0C / - Compare with Immediate CMP Ra, Imm16 CR <= (Ra - Imm16)? Yes
I SW 0D / - Store word (4 byte aligned) SW Rd, Ra, Imm16 MEM[Ra+Imm16] <= Rd No
I LW 0E / - Load Word LSR Rd, Ra, Imm16 Rd <= MEM[Ra+Imm16] No
J JEQ 10 / - Jump if EQual JEQ Off24 if CR[Z], PC <= PC + Off24 No
J JNE 11 / - Jump if Not Equal JNE Off24 if not CR[Z], PC <= PC + Off24 No
J JGT 12 / - Jump if Greater Than JGT Off24 if CR[N], PC <= PC + Off24 No
J JLT 13 / - Jump if Less Than JLT Off24 if not CR[N], PC <= PC + Off24 No
J JLE 14 / - Jump if Less than or Equal JLE Off24 if CR[E] or CR[N], PC <= PC + Off24 No
J JGE 15 / - Jump if Greater than or Equal JGE Off24 if CR[E] or not CR[N], PC <= PC + Off24 No
J JAL 16 / - Jump to subroutine and Link JAL Off24 R[31] <= PC, PC <= PC + Off24 No
J SWI 20 / - Software Interrupt SWI Off24 CR[I] <= 1, R[14] <= PC, PC <= PC + Off24 Yes
J RTI 21 / - Return from Interrupt RTI CR[I] <= 0, PC <= R[14] Yes

Math Extension

Type Mnemonic Opcode / Secondary Description Syntax Operation CR Modified?
R MTLO 03 / 01 Load a register into the lower half of the coprocessor register MTLO Ra R[LO] <= Ra No
R MTHI 03 / 02 Load a register into the upper half of the coprocessor register MTHi Ra R[HI] <= Ra No
R MFLO 03 / 03 Load a register from the lower portion of the coprocessor register. MFLO Rd Rd <= R[LO] No
R MFHI 03 / 04 Load a register from the upper portion of the coprocessor register. MFHI Rd Rd <= R[HI] No
R MULT 03 / 06 Multiply Ra and Rb, store in the coprocessor registers MULT Ra, Rb {LO,HI] <= Ra*Rb No
R MULTU 03 / 05 Multiply unsigned Ra and Rb, store in the coprocessor registers MULTU Ra, Rb {LO,HI] <= Ra*Rb No

Implementation Recommendations

While Iota has an upcoming reference implementation, Taliesin, it is prudent to outline a implementation of this processor.

Baseline features:

  • 5 Pipeline stages: Fetch, Decode, Execute, Memory, Writeback
  • No forwarding, block on hazard
  • Bubble insertion on fetch

Recommended features:

  • 5 Pipeline stages
  • Branch prediction (Two-level adaptive)
  • Register forwarding
  • Split D- and I-caches
  • Multiply and divide implementation

While Taliesin is still a work in progress, it aims to fulfill all of the recommended features of the Iota architecture.
